My learning begins

After struggling a lot with my water color skills I finally decided to join a painting class. It is a very enlightening experience, in every class I get answers for all those small queries which I had in my mind since long. My teacher is a very good instructor, she can look at my painting and tell me how I would have arrived at those flaws, and of course she demonstrates the techniques to resolve them.
In the first class I learned a simple wash technique called "wet-on-wet" to create gradation in colors. Also I learned to use a water spray to give a dramatic effect of clouds. The birds in the pic and there positioning gives a perspective of depth and distance in the painting. You may not feel all that in my painting...... after all I am just a beginner!! :)

About to rain


Neeraj said…
I can feel the depth in this pic and am surprised that how unknowingly the birds are actually creating the depth.

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