Monochrome Mural

Did this one at my parent's bed room


Chandu said…
aha birdwatching 24 x7.. jokes apart. this is brilliant!
Anonymous said…
Wow very beautiful and creative, Poonam!

I would love to do something like this in one of our rooms...

Bhavani Akka
Anonymous said…
minimalist and sweet... very nice spin on everyday sight of birds on hanging around
SVS said…
Looks like actual birds are perched there...Simple and 'home'ly art - congratulations vadina!
Anonymous said…
Helloooo didi. Praneeth here. the idea is very simple and brilliant. i am very sad that i didnt get to spend more time with you and bava. Will look forward for the rest of my life... BYE...
Thanks Praneeth :) and don't you worry we will be back very soon, and then we can spend more time together :)

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