
A gift to my husband on our 7th anniversary to prevent any scratching of the itch. Based on a similar painting he liked at Ikea. Watercolors on paper, with parts of it traced from a snapshot of the original painting.I used the PC screen as the trace board and managed an accurate version. After that, I had to fill in the colors.

Interesting feature: I was stumped on how to achieve the2w exact teal color "pop-art" background- what colors do I mix in what proportion? My IT training kicked in: I opened the Windows color palette, located the color I needed, saw the RGB mix and mixed  the actual R, G and B colors in the same proportion...and it worked!
(click on image for larger snapshot)

The original was made by Deborah Azzopardi.


lavanya said…
its wonderful bhabhi... u never cease to amaze me! :) the blog is great too!
Nirupama said…
Very nicely done Bhabhi! Agreeing with Lavanya here :)
As always.....fantabulous!! :)
Unknown said…
Wow..this is great work!

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